Read the descriptions of some things you can read.
What is the word for each description?
The first letter is already there.

0. When your friends go on holiday, they send you this
1. If you don't understand a word, you can look in this.
(còn thiếu 9 ký tự)
2. You can buy this every week and read about ma, interesting subjects in it.
(còn thiếu 7 ký tự)
3. If you write about your daily life in this, you may not want anyone to read it
(còn thiếu 4 ký tự)
4. You write this for your mother when you answer the phone for her
(còn thiếu 6 ký tự)
5. People buy this every morning to read about what has happened in the world.
(còn thiếu 8 ký tự)
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