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Five sentences have been removed from the text below.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Digging into the past

A. It turned out to be a small figure of a horse.
B. No-one made that mistake, luckily.
C. That way, everyone made sure they didn't miss anything.
D. In fact, the whole area was actually still covered in grass.
E. It was a bit sad to see it disappear.
F. Some people were a bit disappointed by that news.
G. They probably imagined it was things like gold jewellery.
H. It was a new experience for me, too.
Last year, Kate Marshall was given a very exciting opportunity - to help her father, who's a history lecturer, at a historical site! He was leading a team to dig up and explore the area.

When they arrived, though, the site wasn't quite what Kate had expected.

1   So the first job was to remove it all and prepare the bed for digging. Says Kate, 'Dad hadn't warned me IS have to work so hard as soon as we got there!'

But when the site was completely cleared, the team found pieces of ancient pots on the ground. However, those weren't as exciting as everyone had thought. Kate's dad told them that the important pots were still under the ground. And because no-one had touched them for centuries, the team would learn far more about their history - but first they would have to dig deeper. Says Kate,' 2   But we all knew Dad was right!'

The site was divided into small squares, with a leader for each square, who told everyone how to dig. 'That wasn't as easy as it sounded, either,' Kate reports. 'Instead of just digging great big holes, we all had to dig really carefully, and remove small amounts of soil each time. 3   So it made sense.'

'My friends at home were really interested in what I was doing,' Kate explains. 'They kept texting me to ask what I'd found. 4   But actually, we were looking for ordinary, everyday objects that could tell us about the people who'd lived in the area centuries ago.'

In the end, though, Kate wasn't disappointed by what she found. 'One day, when I was digging away, I found a stone with a strange shape. 5   Someone had obviously made it hundreds of years ago, which meant it was really important. So Dad cleaned it up, and said it would go to the nearby museum. So I was pleased that at last, I'd found something interesting!'
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