Here are some sentences about a boy called Max who has got a new mobile phone.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.

Max's parents gave him a mobile phone for his birthday.
Max given a mobile phone for his birthday by his parents.

1. The phone was Max's favourite present.
Max likes his phone more any of his other presents.
2. Max has never had his own phone before.
This is the that Max has had his own phone.
3. Max's phone is very similar to his sister's phone.
Max's phone is almost the same his sister's phone.
4. Max uses his phone for calling his friends and family.
Max uses his phone call his friends and family.
5. Max likes playing games on his phone, and all his friends do too.
Max likes playing games on his phone, and do all his friends.
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